Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essay Example
The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essay Research investigation: What Verfremdungs Effekts does Brecht script in Caucasian Chalk Circle and how effective are these techniques in the dramatic movement of transformation? United World College in Mostar Student: Selmir Klicic Teacher: Melissa Ann Reed Subject: Theater Block: E First factor I would like to mention when it comes to this kind of topic is audience. The audience was always to big extent demanding for an author and a director to send the message throughout a work of art, a theater play which would be understood in proper way. Mostly concerning this problem, world’s biggest play writers developed a theory being practiced in their plays in order for better understanding of the idea by the audience. One of these theories is today called Verfremdungs Effekt or alienation effect. This significant influence was initiated by Shakespeare at first, who, using his drama plays applied V – effect for better understanding of his, usually very complicated plot. The theory kept being developed since it was first invented. A person who contributed to development of V – effect the most was Bertolt Brecht by inventing a completely new type of theater, nowdays called Brechtian Theater. His contribution was mostly based on Shakespeares theory, and it was just used as a pose and strategy to bring about the change by engaging the imagination and creative critisism. „We need a type of theatre which not only releases the feelings, insights and impulses possible within the particular historical field of human relations in which the action takes place, but employs and encourages those thoughts and feelings which help t ransform the field itself. – Brecht From the quote above we could conclude that what was important for Brecht wasnt the fiction actors would make by their performance, but the message that is contained in plot. As an example of this theory, and as my research investigation task I will take Brechts play Caucasian Chalk Circle, as well as the goal of this essay would be based on the same play. The actual goal of the research investigation is to conclude how Verfremdungs Effekt contributes to the undestranding of the idea and message being sent by the play. We will write a custom essay sample on The Caucasian Chalk Circle specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Caucasian Chalk Circle specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Caucasian Chalk Circle specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As it would be too long to analyze a complete piece, my research will be based on one scene from Caucasian Chalk Circle. The certain scene is the one in which two mothers are fighting about a child just like two farmers are fighting about the land. By this scene it would be possible to present the idea of emphasizing the important issues of society Brecht was trying to make us be aware of. The method that I am planning to use in the experiment is performing this scene in front of the audience two times. First time it would be without using V – effect and the second time should be performed with it. The significant thing is the reaction of audience and their opinion, as long as the research investigation is based on proper understanding of idealism being contained in a drama piece, for which audience is vital. To know the understanding of the audience I should ask questions concerning their perception of the plot. So the questions should take under the consideration both parts of the experiment. Knowing that the audience is more or less educated and familiar with the idea of V – effect, question should be prescribed as simple. 1. According to you, what was the idea of this scene? (this question should be asked after performing the first part, which has no V – effect in its performance) 2. What kind of the impression do the characters leave on you by their act in the first part, and what kind of the impression do they leave in second part? 3. Did V – effect change your understanding and prescription in second scene? If yes, please evaluate. I think that a conclusion could be properly finalized after these questions answered by the audience, are analyzed afterwards.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ãelevision manufacturing Essays
̉ۢelevision manufacturing Essays ̉ۢelevision manufacturing Essay ̉ۢelevision manufacturing Essay In general, as a technology moves from the early stages of laboratory development to widespread acceptance in the marketplace, the forecasting methodologies that are most appropriate move from qualitative to quantitative techniques. Since technological forecasting is employed to predict long-term technological developments, the methods used are generally qualitative (Donnelly, n. d. ). Trend Extrapolation A forecast can be generated by observing a change through time in the character of something and projecting or extrapolating that change into the future (Cornish, 1977, p.108). In making such a forecast, the focus is on the long-term trend, so short-term fluctuations are disregarded. Trend extrapolations require that the forecaster have an understanding of the factors which contributed to change in the past, and possess confidence in the notion that these factors will continue to influence developments in a similar fashion in the future (Schwarz, Svedin, Wittrock, 1982, p. 20). One commonly employed approach to trend extrapolation involves the use of growth curves (Cornish, 1977, pp. 110-111). Growth curves are loosely based upon the notion that the growth of a technology can be charted in the same way organic growth can be charted. For example, the growth in height and weight of an individual can be charted, and will commonly display a pattern which indicates a leveling off around early adulthood (Donnelly, n. d. ). As an illustration, Martino (1983) describes how this particular technique can be used in charting and forecasting the growth in, and leveling off, of the number of cable television subscribers (Donnelly, n. d. ). Regarding the accuracy of trend extrapolation as a forecasting technique, Ascher (1978) questions its objectivity and reliability (p. 183). Schnaars (1989) goes even further and admonishes forecasters to discount trend extrapolations. Schnaars notes that trends and patterns have no life of their own and are susceptible to sudden changes, and that focusing on trends alone is often a search for the will-o-the wisp (p. 152). As an example of a misuse of trend extrapolation, Schnaars notes the actions taken by American electronics firms with regard to television manufacturing. Through the 1950s and the 1960s, television sets steadily grew larger. As American firms continued to make large, cabinet-based systems, Japanese firms began to concentrate on making portable sets (Donnelly, n. d. ). Delphi Forecasting Model Delphi Analysis is used in the decision-making process, in particular in forecasting. Several experts sit together and try to compromise on something upon which they cannot agree. In fact, the Delphi procedure is designed for the systematic solicitation of expert opinion. Many things can influence Opinions in-group settings, including the dominant positions of some participants, personal magnetism, alleged expertise, and fringe opinions. The Delphi technique is a method of obtaining what could be considered an intuitive consensus of group expert opinions. The accuracy of the forecast produced is limited by the quality of opinions provided by the experts, and it should be noted that some authors (such as, Challis and Wills, 1970 and Wise, 1976) have questioned the accuracy of the opinions of specialists (Donnelly, n. d. ).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17
Personal Statement Example I have also realised that in order to enhance employability, these course are unparalleled. Thus, by considering such ever-lasting virtues, I have decided to apply to MSc International Business Management course for completing my master degree. I would able to enhance my knowledge of learning by a considerable certain level which would also assist me to develop various levels of understandings. I am very much passionate and thrive in performing along with succeeding in challenging scenarios. I can easily understand the concepts and ideas and am capable to develop myself by creating solutions to the problems. In order to develop my skills further, I have decided to study the management course after passing my graduate level studies. The course offered would enable me to possess ample opportunities to gain an in-depth knowledge regarding corporate culture and courses in management thus assisting to face tougher situations in larger organisations. Furthermore, I would gain invaluable leaning opportunities during the MSc International Business Management course to comprehend the varied challenges that are faced by global companies and their managers to ensure the sustainability of their organisations. Thus, I can transform myself to be a global citizen or an individual possessing pertinent knowledge about the global business arena. It can also facilitate me to realise the aspects that enable global companies to internationalise in the multination business environment. Through the learning of both theories and concepts along with practical evidences, I can develop strong abilities to perform efficiently in a global organisation in future. Through the course, I can also gain valuable knowledge regarding the fields of innovation management, international business investigation and market research. Apart from gaining certain long-term benefits from the course to develop my knowledge, skills and abilities, I can also significantly contribute to my
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Case Analysis - Essay Example m, and CollegeWikis.comâ€â€hope to come in.†(Facebook Faces Up, 2008) Facebook has increased it user base by opening admission to all: â€Å"In June, 11.5 million of the individual visitors to the site were 35 or older, more than double the number a year before, according to market researcher ComScore Media Metrix†(Facebook Faces Up, 2008). Now at 33 Million subscribers total Facebook’s worth has been estimated between 1 and 4 billion dollars. However the increase in size has contributed to more site downtime and possible problems with security that are slowly being addressed. In analyzing Facebook’s position in the marketplace, as table 1 on the next page shows, there are some key factors for the company as well as its competition to be explored. Facebook is the number two site for all social networking website as of April 2008. While MySpace is certainly dominating the field it has not grown as dramatically as Facebook has done. More recent numbers, as stated above, have put Facebook even closer with 33 million subscribers since opening its doors to all users in May. Furthermore, according to most reports, the college age users that have currently been using Facebook do not seem to be switching services any time soon. While other companies are attempting to fill the college niche market, they have not successfully created an easier to use platform with as much Web presence as Facebook. However, as this table reveals and many analysts agree with, LinkedIn is quickly increasing its user base and with some changes in its website structure and presence, may soon represent some valid competition for both Facebook and MySpace. While Facebook is certainly growing by leaps and bounds it may be time to consider partnering with other companies whose infrastructures have proven successful and who may assist FaceBook with the challenge of growth and security that it currently faces. Recent refusal to partner with Googel, Yahoo1 and others may only be
Monday, November 18, 2019
Impact of cigarette packages warning labels on Saudi Arabian people Research Proposal
Impact of cigarette packages warning labels on Saudi Arabian people and to what extent - Research Proposal Example In 2012, six Gulf States enforced a law to use graphic warnings which will be printed in all cigarette boxes. Some of the images are of ill people, skeletons, black teeth, and other pictures that are discouraging smokers to quit their behavior. Furthermore, the images are accompanied by warning phrases. However, a study that was conducted in Saudi Arabia indicates that these measures have done very little in deterring smokers from going on with their behaviors. With Saudi Arabia being the 23rd country with the largest number of smokers despite having a small population of approximately 25 million people, the measures are yet to yield any fruits. Many of the smokers in the country have stated that they are more aware of the consequences of their behavior than before (Fischhoff, Brewer, Downs, & United States, 2011). Have the graphic images have not dampened their desire to smoke. Many state that whenever they come across the graphic warnings, they become more aware that smoking is hazardous to their health. Nevertheless, the addition empowers these cautions and the desire to quit the vice. Labeling of cigarette packages with warnings has a major impact on deterring new smokers from starting this behavior. Many of the young people feel that the graphic images make them to think of the repercussions of starting this behavior. However, those who were already affected by addition find it very hard to stop it (La, 2013). Therefore, the number of people who are joining the list of smokers has reduced in Saudi Arabia. However, the number of those who are quitting is very minimal. This is an indication that the warnings are more effective in deterring non-smokers not to engage in smoking behavior rather than encouraging the smokers to quit this vice. Therefore, the government should implement other more effective measures such as imposing stricter law on public smoking and stiff penalties to those who
Friday, November 15, 2019
Evaluation Of Australias Decision Marketing Essay
Evaluation Of Australias Decision Marketing Essay Ferrero is an Italian manufacturer of chocolate products founded by confectioner Pierto Ferrero in the year 1946 based in Pino Torinese. In the survey of the 2009 reputation Institute, Ferrero was considered as the most reputable Company in the world. This company has been considered as one of the worlds secretive company. Company concentrates on the manufacturing innovation.It believes in social marketing concept to deliver value in a way to maintain or improve both the customers and societys well being. They focus on customers as centre of strategy to maintain long term relationship and mutual trust and consider this to be the key to their success. The company headquatered in Italian town of Alba has a overall sale of A$10 billion and it employees over 20,000 people around the world and holds over 7.3 % of worlds choclate share(Case Information). Q1. Evaluate Ferrero Australias decision to open an online boutique. Will this have any impact on the companys other business segments? A-With shoppers venturing online at an increasing rate in Australia, Ferrero recognised an opportunity to create an online boutique with ecommerce functionality. Evaluation of Australias Decision In Australia during festive seasons like Christmas there is always a high demand of chocolates. The public interest and demand let the company to launch the first online boutique in November 2010 in Australia aiming the Christmas ahead. These gift hampers are elegantly packed in beautiful keep sake box and personalised to make the special occasion more special. Ferrero choose Australia to pioneer its Asia pacific market because of its familiarity of western culture. According to census 2006 Australia is a country of diverse culture with predominance of Christianity, Roman Catholic (25.8%), Anglican (18.7%) and rest (19.4%).The composition of religious groups includes Buddhism ,Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Indigenous etc (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2007). So in a diverse place like this there will be people celebrating some festivals throughout the year. Festival means exchanging gifts and this make the demand for chocolate hampers throughout the year. The literacy rate in Australia is about 99% (WorldBank, 2012). GER (Gross enrolment ratio, Total is the total enrolment in primary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population of official primary education age) is found to be 105% in Australia that indicates that its a highly educated country (WorldBank, 2012). According to the internetworldstats about 80.1% of the Australian population use internet which comprise of around 17,033,826 users as of Aug 2009.There is 22.8% of population subscribing broadband connection as of September 2007.According to world bank GNI per capita is US$ 21,650(04) that indicates that its a very wealthy country. Ferrero Online boutique offers premium chocolate for special occasion. It positions as a status symbol with high class product which is seen as a classy and elegant. At the same time pricing is also too high. This is targeting the high income range of people which is niche market. In a place like Australia it can find a range of customers to buy the product that mainly concerns about the social status, pride and quality of service. The limited edition in variety always creates a demand among the customers. Australia is an urban country with 89% in 2010 with 1.2% of the rate of urbanization (CIA, 2012).According to World Bank report the density of population is Australia is 2.86 people per SQ km in 2009 (CIA, 2012).This indicates that the Australia is a huge country with less population. So people would prefer to do online shopping rather travelling long for the store shopping. In a much urbanised country like Australia people will tend to find easier way to get things done with less time. In this kind of world opening an online boutique using internet as a media is providing a convenient way to please their dear ones on special occasions without even spending too much time for it. This way company is meeting its mission as well as customer loyalty. Impact on Other Business Segments Ferrero has 3 different distribution channels to make product available to customers. These channels include online distribution channel, supermarket retailer and physical retailer channel. For online distribution channel ferrero focus on high income grade of population and target only on special occasion as a gift hamper. C:UsersSakiRaviDesktopsaki 2012 june mbamarketingMarketing-Mix.jpg The 4P (price, product, promotion and place) for the 3 different distribution channel are different. The price of the products in online boutique is very high and providing only limited number of variety to make it stand as a high status symbol. The product is a specially designed gift hamper for a special occasion or to be used as corporate gifts which is targeting the high business officials. It is available online and people cant buy these gift hampers in the stores. For the physical retailers and supermarket distribution channels the products like ferrero chocolate, nutella, tic tac, kinder surprise focus on daily needs of a person which can be consumable at all the times of the day. The prices for these products are relatively low to the price of online boutique hampers. These are available in supermarkets and stores and not available online in the boutique. So this clearly says the 4p of the traditional ferrero products and online boutique is different so it will not have any n egative impact on the other business segments. At the same time the strategy behind launching the online boutique was a market penetration strategy. Using very innovative kind of packaging and make it as a gift hamper they are targeting the same target market through different distribution channel. By presenting it as gift the value of the product changes. It adds more value. Using internet as a media they can reach a wide range of audiences. Even though it will not impact negatively the positive impact is always there. Online boutique can boost up the Brand awareness, Brand value, Brand positioning which in turn leads to brand equity. Loyal customers, new customers or the people who are gifted will get attracted to this new product and the company which in turn increases companys reputation. As online boutique offers the gift hampers which are very expensive to the reach of normal class they would like to try the products available in stores for relatively cheaper price which in turn creates brand awareness, creates more brand value and positions itself in the market which leads to brand equity. In fact it looks like its ferreros new strategy of value innovation to come out of competition of chocolate brands red oceans which includes fierce competition with Cadbury, nestles or mars. So its aiming to create significant leap in value for customers as well as company who will make its competitors feel obsolete to create a contested market place with positive impacts on the other products in stores and supermarket to boost up. CONCLUSION As Australia is a very posh, urban, full of literates, diversified and aware of western culture the idea of opening online boutique was breakthrough for the company that targets the niche market. Through the discussion above it is implied that the online boutique will not have any negative impact on the other business segments as the distribution channels for online boutique and stores products are different and both focus on different needs of consumers. Store products focus on daily needs of a person where as online boutique on special needs like gift items. Positively it creates brand awareness for all products. Q2-How can ferrero use new technology to market its products better? A-Even though ferrero is establish well in Australia its always a threat to a confectionary products to stay stable in market because of change in taste preference, emergence of new competitor or threat from existing competitor. With arising new technologies the company can make use of it effectively to create brand awareness and build long term relationship with the existing customers which is very important for a luxury brand like ferrero who target niche market. Attract new customers There is many search engines like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft that help the customer to find the stores or business via internet or mobile search. As People hardly go beyond the first page of listings its important for company to focus on Search Engine Optimizer(SEO) to optimise the metadata information and enable ferrero website to popup in the first listing when customers search for confectionary products (SupportGoogle, 2012). Web Blogs and Community- Ferrero create blogs and at least two communities to create online marketing, one community for Stores and Supermarket products and one for online boutique to avoid confusion. These blogging sometimes use to drive search results to let customers find the company and to gain greater attention. Social Medias are web or mobile based tools for sharing and discussing information. Ferrero can tap into the powerful networking sites to drive customers. Social networking sites like face book, twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube can provide inexpensive but powerful online marketing. Ferrero should create sophisticated pages to attract users. It can think of allowing to buy products in these networks or can provide link that will allow them to buy in a click go. Additional opportunities include online radio shows on platforms such as BlogTalkRadio. This is very good media to be in direct touch with customers and getting their feedback about the products and building one to one relationship where around 608 million at the End of 2010 people were actively using social media like facebook (TheProvince, 2010). Delight existing customers and create high life time loyalty. The first thing important for a luxury product like ferrero is to find out the customers who are profitable and then try to create a long relationship with them as its cheaper to retain existing customers than acquiring new one (kotler Armstrong, 2012, p. 36). To do this CRM is the best technology used by many companies.CRM (customer relationship management) is an information industry to manage detailed information about the customers and carefully manage customers touch point to maximise customer loyalty using methodologies, software, and Internet capabilities (kotler Armstrong, 2012, p. 143).It consists of sophisticated software and analytical tools to integrate customers information from all sources and analyze them deeply and apply results to build strong customer relationship. So regency, frequency monitory value (RFM) is used to identify the best customers. The companies should focus on high customer life time valu e (CLV) and use methods to deal with them like Mobile marketing- These days cell subscribers read almost all messages they receive and can reach them in minutes. Ferrero should target the most loyal customers and text them about the offers or coupons to redeem in places that match their status, promotions, addition of new products. Apart from this it should focus in applications to be downloaded in app store to be used by iphones, ipad or it can target android as well for black berries .It can create application that will allow the customers to buy their products in a easy click using the application in their phones. QR codes are two-dimensional graphics (similar to barcode) contains information that customer needs like coupons, direction, contact information, availability of products etc. To read QR codes the customer need to download QR reader, then they need to take a picture of the code or scan through it to get the information that is embedded in the code (News C. , 2012). Ferrero can place these codes in ads, websites, in emails or on any other printable booklets or digital medium where camera can scan through the picture. This new technology will create anxiety among customers to know about it and will create more brand awareness. Email Marketing Service provider like mail chimp allows subscribers to send up to 500 emails per campaign and 3000 emails per month for no cost. Ferrero on identifying the profitable customers should send personalised emails or messages on their important days like birthday, anniversary, and festivals to show them how they value the customer and how important they are for the company. This leaves a positive impact in the customers who cares about the service. Email newsletter program enables customer to maintain an ongoing awareness of the company and this remind them about the company when they want service. A professional communication can reinforce branding message. Other than these new technologies ferrero can continue with the old mode of advertising and sponsorship to maintain the status of the brad in people mind. It should target the upcoming Olympic in London 2012. Ferrero can provide advertisements in the corporate blogs and community to attract the business officials and aware them that they have corporate gifts for them. This will attract high end business officials. CONCLUSION- With the emerging technologies, it is implied that ferreo has wide range of technologies to build customer relationship which is the main motto of the company that includes blogging, creating new communities, use of social media, sending personalised emails or messages, advertising in corporate blogs, mobile marketing as well as SEO to create long term relationship with customers and create new customers and make more brand awareness.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Building Community on the Net :: Internet Web Cyberspace Essays
Building Community on the Net All sorts of reasons have been advanced in recent years to explain the decline of community in America, from the way we design our neighborhoods to the increased mobility of the average American to such demographic shifts as the movement of women into the labor force. But the onslaught of television and other electronic technologies is usually cited as the main culprit. As Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam observes, these technologies are increasingly "privatizing our leisure time" and "undermining our connections with one another and with our communities."[1] In his essay "The Strange Disappearance of Civic America," Putnam draws a direct parallel between the arrival of television and the decline of what he calls "social capital" -- the social networks, trust, and norms of reciprocity that are the essence of healthy communities. As he points out, a "massive change in the way Americans spend their days and nights occurred precisely during the years of generational civic disengagement."[2] It follows that computers, VCRs, virtual reality and other technologies that, like television, "cocoon" us from our neighbors and communities exacerbate the loss of social capital. With the advent of computer networks and "virtual communities," however, some feel that electronic technologies can actually be used to strengthen the bonds of community and reverse America's declining social capital. Advocates stress that electronic networks can help citizens build organizations, provide local information, and develop bonds of civic life and conviviality. While the claims are no doubt overstated in many cases, as they always are when new technologies are involved, there is growing evidence that this may be the case, particularly in local community networks. The social and political ramifications of electronic networking has become a favorite topic of speculation in recent years. Cover stories, conferences, books, Web sites, and radio and television programs devoted to the subject have grown exponentially. In looking over the burgeoning literature on the political uses of the Net, I find that most of it falls into three general categories: 1) questions of democratic culture and practice, such as the pros and cons of direct democracy, issues of privacy and social control, and the changing nature of public opinion; 2) how on-line petitioning, electronic voting, information campaigning and other forms of "netactivism" can promote politics more narrowly defined; and 3) the implications of networking technologies for communities. This paper leaves aside the first two categories[3] and focuses specifically on the third: whether computer networks can be used to strengthen and enhance the bonds of community.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Energy drinks research paper Essay
Modern life has become fast-paced and the multitudes of work to be done require plenty of effort now more than before. Be it in school or in the office, many people have turned to energy drinks as a source of boost for their inadequate physical endurance and mental strength in addressing the demands of modern living. As the name itself easily suggests, ‘energy drinks’ are supposed to supplement people with the energy they need. Since they contain a combination of vitamins and plenty of caffeine, energy drinks have become a popular alternative to coffee and other caffeinated beverages. It is not surprising, therefore, if there are people who have developed a form of dependency on energy drinks after consuming them regularly for a certain period. However, there are also those who see energy drinks not as a boom but as a bane to the health of individuals. While these drinks may provide people with additional energy, it is often stated that they also have negative effects on the human body especially if they are taken habitually and in amounts that exceed safe limits. There are reasons why certain people support the consumption of energy drinks. On the other hand, there are also reasons why some others oppose the same, to the point that attempts have been made to ban the production, distribution and sale of energy drinks in some areas. This paper seeks to explore those reasons by surveying past and recent literature with respect to the effects of energy drinks on the human body. After an assessment on whether energy drinks can potentially endanger the lives of people, this paper will suggest ways on how to increase the awareness of the people on what these drinks have to offer, whether good or bad. This paper will also try to explore the possible measures which can be adopted in order to properly regulate the production, distribution and actual selling of energy drinks to the larger public. Energy drinks: the good side There are several reasons why people buy energy drinks. Today, it may be said that even age and status in life no longer pose rigid limitations as to who exactly can take advantage of what energy drinks have to offer. Some individuals can consume a certain dose of energy drinks for no strong reason except that they simply want to quench their thirst. The most apparent effect of energy drinks is that they boost a person’s energy. This is due to the ingredients contained in most energy drinks. For instance, energy drinks contain caffeine, sugar, B vitamins and certain kinds of herbs. The combination of these ingredients is said to help increase a person’s physical, mental and cognitive performances. For this reason, it is not surprising that people have patronized energy drinks. In fact, there are numerous brands of energy drinks out in the market, each one purporting to cater to specific preferences and conditions of the consumers. Some brands are labeled as an excellent source of energy for athletes while some other brands are tagged as powerful mental boosters for office workers and students. At any rate, it may be said that the fast-paced modern world requires from every person quick and efficient responsesâ€â€and energy drinks are there to help them achieve that daily routine. Aside from caffeine, there are at least other common ingredients of most energy drinks: taurine and glucuronolactone. Both are produced naturally by the human body. Energy drinks can replace both glucuronolactone and taurine that the body loses during stressful situations and high physical activity (Olson). Both are important to the human body as they naturally cleanse the body from harmful toxins and provide natural energy boost. People who work overtime or who labor intensely are part of the large numbers of those who consume energy drinks. Even students who are prompted by long hours of studying and doing schoolwork have the similar disposition to use these drinks as a source of the energy they need in order to complete their tasks over extended durations. In a way, it can be seen that energy drinks may be responsible for motivating people to continue with their tasks. On a larger scale, a workforce able to perform better and produce more output within a constrained period will certainly yield positive results. Although energy drinks may not be solely responsible for such consequence, it may nevertheless be safely assumed that it has its share. The history of the energy drink is replete with indicators that it was initially produced to aid the physical well-being of individuals. As early as the second half of the twentieth century, energy drinks were already being produced in Japan with the same modern tagline as increasing an individual’s physical energy levels. Without doubt, early energy drinks were particularly formulated for people engaged in intense labor or those involving protracted hours of work that require physical endurance. Through the years, the benefits of energy drinks were later seen as applicable to athletes. Today, athletes and even people who are active in sports rely on energy drinks in order to supplement or quickly replenish their stock of energy. Similarly, energy drinks are oftentimes labeled as drinks that promote wakefulness. Apparently, those who stand to benefit from the mental alertness induced by energy drinks are the people who are in a desperate need to stay fully awake due to particular circumstances. Students who need to study overnight or to be awake in class after still feeling sluggish belong to this group. In particular, employees who need to beat deadlines the following morning and who are barely able to stay awake for the rest of the night also fall to this classification. Some employees working in graveyard shifts also consume energy drinks. For example, nurses and doctors who spend late hours in the hospital may rely on energy drinks from time to time in order to help them keep awake and alert for the rest of the evening. The same may also be said about corporate employees in outsourcing companies that serve clients from other time zones. At the most, energy drinks are perceived as useful aid for those who need to stay awake for different reasons. Without doubt, there is a different side to energy drinks. There are concerned groups who express their opposition to the consumption of energy drinks especially on regular intervals. At the heart of the sharp criticism against energy drinks is that they are said to contain chemicals and other substances that may endanger the health of individuals. While it may be conceded that energy drinks have short term benefits, it is likewise urged that they also have negative consequences in the long run. Thus, instead of promoting a person’s health, energy drinks may actually harm a person. Energy drinks: the bad side. Monster Energy is one of the more popular energy drinks available in almost every store in America. Interestingly, the product contains double the worth of strong coffee’s caffeine for every single serving of sixteen ounces (Laitner). It may be admitted that there is nothing inherently wrong with drinking caffeinated beverages like Monster Energy. In fact, medical experts may even suggest some of their patients experiencing sluggishness to consume a certain dosage of energy drinks every once in a while. However, it is the dosage and frequency of consumption that is crucial. Like other beverages sold in the market, energy drinks should be consumed only in moderation. Stated otherwise, people should not consume energy drinks more than what is actually needed by their body. As of the first quarter of 2011, the American Association of Poison Control Centers has already logged at least three hundred and forty incidents of adverse health effects as a result of consuming energy drinks with high caffeine levels, and that most of the data gathered revealed that many young people are part of the statistics (Laitner). The numbers may be insignificant on the whole scale but they tell one thing: the risks are real. More importantly, even young people who are presumed to be at a better health condition than most adults are not immune from the risks. That being said, the effects of energy drinks potentially cut across the age borders. There are also alcoholic energy drinks being sold in other parts of the world. In Australia, medical authorities have warned about the negative effects of these drinks to young people (Collier). What is more interesting is that these drinks are being consumed by teenagers aged between twelve and seventeen (Collier). At a very young age, these individuals are already exposed to the harms brought about not only by energy drinks but their combination with alcohol. Apparently, the effect on the body of these alcoholic energy drinks is a combination of a feeling of being simultaneously ‘alert’ and ‘drowsy’. The Australian Drug Foundation has already warned about the negative effects of these drinks and the research recently conducted confirms these effects (Collier). One of the more serious consequences of consuming energy drinks on a regular basis and beyond the required amounts is that it can cause health problems to a person’s cardiovascular, central nervous, musculoskeletal and renal systems (Babu). These risks are not to be taken lightly since they comprise the critical parts of the human body. Impairments in any one of these system of organs can greatly weaken a person and affect one’s daily routines. Apparently, these effects may come in the long term. This is probably the tricky part. Since these effects begin to be felt only after a certain period, a person may initially think that his consumption of energy drinks has not been affecting his health. However, once the effects have already begun to set in, it might be too late and the person may require hospitalization and complicated medical treatment. A harmless start may soon turn into a physically daunting end. Energy drinks contain plenty of sugar and the sugar contained in them are known to cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal pains which, in any case, will never improve the performance of any office employee, student or athlete (Miller). The effects become more pronounced if a person consumes energy drinks on a regular basis. Without doubt, a person may thereafter suffer from regular stomach upsets and diarrhea. Instead of actually helping an individual perform better at his or her tasks, the contrary is more likely to happen. It has been noted that the American diet is already filled with B-vitamins and, consequently, energy drinks which are most of the time likewise filled with B-vitamins do not really help the body. On the contrary, energy drinks can only potentially yield to an overload of B-vitamins in the human body (Brody). In effect, the body may not be able to absorb the overload of B-vitamins thereby resulting to certain bodily reactions. Vitamins should still be taken in moderation only as they can also adversely affect the body when taken in uncontrolled amounts. Even the term ‘energy drink’ is highly ambiguous. For the most part, the term itself is neither approved nor created by the FDA and the USDA; the manufacturers themselves coined the label (Babu). While these drinks are not being pulled out of the shelves for using a label that is not sanctioned by the FDA and the USDA, they continue to play on the sensibilities of the public. It is a fact that energy can be taken from any food. Most of them come in the form of calories. To say that a certain beverage is an ‘energy drink’ is to create the impression that it gives energy more than what one could normally derive from the average daily meals and snacks. It may be true that these energy drinks can provide people with energy but it is another matter altogether to claim that they can radically increase the energy levels of an individual. It may even be pointed out that a person may opt to eat fruits and vegetables several hours before a physically and mentally grueling task instead of consuming a can of energy drink before performing the task. It is a healthier approach with more benefits for the human body without the aid of artificial ingredients and chemicals. Identifying the problem and providing solutions It may be said that a person has the freedom to choose whatever he wants to consume. The basis for saying this is that a person has full autonomy over his own body. Thus, no one can be prevented from purchasing what is openly available in stores. This proposition is crucial since it establishes the idea that the main concern should naturally be focused on the individual. However, this does not relieve the manufacturers of energy drinks from any responsibility. On the contrary, the imperative to pay attention to the consumers necessitates that manufacturers have a big role to fill. It has been observed that there is little scientific research available and government regulation with respect to energy drinks (Seifert, et al.). This is worrisome since energy drinks have been manufactured and sold throughout the world for at least two decades. It may be one of the significant reasons why there are only very few available comprehensive information about the negative effects of energy drinks on the human body. In this day and age where more and more energy drink products are being producedâ€â€an indicator that there is a growing market for energy drinksâ€â€it is indeed imperative that more information about energy drinks should be made available to the public. It is important to inform and educate consumers about the effects of energy drinks on the human body. One way to achieve this is to provide the right information on the labels of products. Instead of purely flaunting catchphrases that tease the sensibilities of consumers, products should contain labels that clearly warn consumers of the negative effects of energy drinks if and when they are consumed in high quantities and in regular intervals. It is safe to say that a serving of Monster Energy once every week, for example, does not necessarily endanger a person’s health. However, regular consumption of the productâ€â€akin to an addictionâ€â€will certainly take its toll on the body. For this reason, products should contain warnings about the regular consumption of energy drinks. The warning should be visible enough and should not be placed in an obscure part of the product. This is a direct approach in informing the general public about energy drinks without the intervention of the government. Manufacturers should be responsible enough to take the initiative. Schools can also take part in informing young students about the energy drinks. Forums and symposiums may be conducted within school premises. Medical practitioners and representatives from the FDA and USDA can be invited as guest speakers. Students should be encouraged to give frank questions about energy drinks in order to remove any lingering doubts about their effects. Teachers may also include in their discussions on biochemistry or on human anatomy the benefits and harms of energy drinks. Documentaries about the effects of energy drinks may also be presented before classes of students. All of these suggestions can easily be done and require very minimal resources on the part of the school. Moreover, they immediately address the need to inform the younger population. The government should regulate energy drinks more stringently. The legislature should come-up with laws that will put a limit on how much caffeine, for instance, can be included in energy drinks. The same should also apply to other chemicals in these drinks. This approach has been done in other consumable products and should likewise be applied in the case of energy drinks since even teenagers today are getting hooked on the product. Needless to say, it is the duty of the government not only to make sure that the products available in the market are safe for human consumption but also to provide guidelines on product manufacturers so that no harm will be made. The FDA and the USDA should also do its role in making detailed analyses on every energy drink sold in the market and in crafting a comprehensive assessment on whether or not each of these products is safe for human consumption. The reports may also serve as the basis for the legislature to impose certain limits on the amount of chemicals that can be put into the products. These agencies have the expertise and skills to make conclusive and, in some cases, binding reports that cannot be dismissed easily by product manufacturers. The government can also carefully scrutinize the published and broadcasted advertisements of energy drink manufacturers in order to determine whether these manufacturers are making any unfounded claims which can gravely confuse the consumers. False advertising can certainly fool consumers into thinking that what the product professes to offer when in fact such is not the case. In order to clear any misinformation, the advertisers themselves should have the moral impulse to avoid making false claims just to make a sale. Needless to say, any false advertising can backfire on the advertiser, especially if the negative consequences of it have begun to take shape and an increasing number of consumers have likewise begun to air their grievances. Before it is too late, advertisers should take the initiative. Doing so can save them time from long years of litigation and money. A more radical suggestion is to impose an absolute ban on all energy drinks. Unfortunately, this suggestion will not hold water. Although it is admitted that energy drinks can potentially endanger the health of the people, imposing a full ban will likewise affect those who consume energy drinks within prescribed safety limits, especially those who need these drinks at the most important moments in their lives. Even the federal government can also face losses in the form of revenue taxes if and when the production of energy drinks is finally banned throughout America. Given the reports earlier mentioned that children nowadays are more and more becoming immersed in the consumption of energy drinks, it is also important to address this vital concern. The first step is that local grocery stores should see to it that they do not sell energy drinks to children especially those below seventeen years of age. This is a measure that can easily be done. However, it may be admitted that it has certain limitations. For instance, children can consume energy drinks at home if their parents stock a certain supply of this beverage. Still, something can be done. Parents should see to it that their children do not have access to energy drinks at home. This is where responsible parenting is of full use. Older siblings can also prevent their younger siblings from getting their hands on energy drinks whether at home or in the public. Efforts will have to come from the entire family. Teaching children at a young age to refrain from consuming energy drinks at their stage is crucial. It will help reinforce the idea in the child’s mind that there are consumable products that are not yet fit for their health. In the long run, children who will grow-up in an environment where they are taught to refrain from consuming energy drinks may soon minimize their consumption of such products when they have already grown. Independent research organizations should further engage themselves in the current efforts to comprehensively study and assess the consequences of energy drinks on the human body, from children to adults. Since more energy drink brands are being manufactured and sold, it is admitted that any attempt to make a comprehensive research can take a long while. Apart from time, more financial resources will also be needed in order to carryout a comprehensive study. Nevertheless, civic organizations can provide research grants. The government should likewise tap the private sector actively engaged in doing research by providing similar research grants. People and energy drinks: the future America is teeming with activity around the clock. Many people living in cities that never sleep, so to speak, are oftentimes predisposed to take full advantage of every waking hour of their lives. They work for protracted hours in order to get a bigger pay. Students do their school tasks over long hours. Young people party from dusk until dawn. On the other hand, many athletes and individuals with very active lifestyles maintain their physical routines almost every day. It is not surprising, therefore, if energy drinks have become an integral part of the American lifestyle. By themselves, energy drinks can help an individual, especially if these drinks are consumed in moderate amounts. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There is an imminent danger: as the world becomes more fast-paced, people may fall into the temptation to consume energy drinks to the point that they will become dependent on these beverages in order for them to perform their daily routines. If the government fails to step-in and regulate energy drinks, and if very little research is done in the coming years, there may come a point when energy drinks will eventually become an indispensable part of the American culture. People may no longer begin to express their concern over the consequences of energy drinks since there is no comprehensive and conclusive basis to back-up their concerns in the first place. This can only push manufacturers to further develop their products, which translates to energy drinks with other chemicals that replaces caffeine, for instance, but with twice the effect. In general, energy drinks if left thoroughly unchecked can only grow into an even bigger social bane. In the end, nothing can replace a healthy lifestyleâ€â€not even energy drinks. A healthy body and a healthy mind need not depend on energy drinks in order to properly function even under stress. Proper diet, regular exercise and a lifestyle free from any form of vice are still the best solutions for any person who expects to face tight deadlines and activities at work or in school. Works Cited Babu, Kavita. â€Å"Energy Drinks: The New Eye-Opener for Adolescents. †Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine 9. 3 (2008): 35-42. Print. Brody, Jane E. â€Å"Scientists See Dangers in Energy Drinks. †NYTimes. com. The New York Times. 31 Jan. 2011. Web. Accessed 29 Apr. 2011. http://www. nytimes. com/2011/02/01/health/01brody. html Collier, Karen. â€Å"Kids wired on alcoholic energy drinks. †Herald Sun. Herald and Weekly Times. 29 Apr. 2011. Web. Accessed 30 Apr. 2011. http://www. heraldsun. com. au/news/kids-wired-on-alcoholic-energy-drinks/story-e6frf7jo-1226046546571 Olson, David E. , and Michael D. Maltz â€Å"Energy drinks: are they safe? †Nine MSN Health and Wellbeing. MSN. 3 Aug. 2010. Web. Accessed 29 Apr. 2011. http://health. ninemsn. com. au/family/familyhealth/689831/energy-drinks Laitner, Bill. â€Å"Some love the kick they get from energy drinks, but others worry about risks. †Detroit Free Press. Gannett. 1 May 2011. Web. Accessed.
Friday, November 8, 2019
If I became President essays
If I became President essays The changes that I am going to do for this country if I was elected President is that Im not going to have any more military go into Iraq. I would try to clear up the war so there would not be any more soldiers dying and being stranded out there for months or even years. I do not like the way they are just being thrown into another country that they dont even know anything about. So if I was elected President I would be saving lives and would be helping many families from not suffering about there loved ones so far away. I would use the constitutional power to help me clear up the war in Iraq. So we would also have peace within the two countries. The way I would do this is that I would need senate consent that I would have to name the most top-ranking officers of the federal government. With all of the others they would vote for it and then be sent back to the senate for the finale confirmation. This is how I would have to use the constitutional power to help me clear up the war. The proper role of the president in the American political system is that the constitution makes the president the commander in chief of the nations armed forces. Even though the congress shares the war powers, the presidents position in military affairs is as dominant as it is in the field of foreign affairs. The Presidents powers as commander in chief are almost without limit. The presidents cabinets that I would need to use for clearing up the war idea is that I would need to talk to the Secretary of State and the Defense of State to get permission to even start to do anything about changing something about the war. So these are the presidents cabinets that I would go through to change the war status and to get the military out of Iraq. I am going to impact the National Security Council by asking them how are we going to come up to this kind of situation and change the war effort. T ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Search For Order
Search for Order from 1877-1916 During the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s the United States had a great undertaking of finding order. Order, in the general term of life, both on the personal aspects and the country as a whole had been disassembled during the civil war and the events that occurred shortly there after. This paper is to illustrate how Americans executed the search for order, in the broad sense of the word. There will be three points brought to light to support the claim of order, the aspects of Economic, Social, and Cultural. ECONOMIC Economic stability and equal opportunity define the search for economic order for each and every American. During the time in question, there was very little economic order. Those Americans that were lucky enough to join the steel/cattle/ and other industries that were thriving in the early 19th Century were set for life, vs. the immigrants that just started to see American soil and work here for the first time. There was a huge contrast in wages, the wealth wasn’t spread very even, and Americans were either rich or poor. During this time period, there were many trying to level the playing field in their quest to improve their economic situation. 1. Jane Addams was famous for founding the Hull House in 1889. The house was dedicated to teaching immigrants and underprivileged individuals some sort of specific trade or skill along with English to allow them to fend for their personal economic freedom. 2. In 1886, the American Federation of Labor started Wage Protection; the American Federation of Labor came into existence under that name in 1886. In fact, it began with a longer, more cumbersome name, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada. This organization was founded on November 15-18, 1881 at the Turner Hall in downtown Pittsburgh. Many of the pioneers of the American labor movement in this period were German-American, though... Free Essays on Search For Order Free Essays on Search For Order Search for Order from 1877-1916 During the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s the United States had a great undertaking of finding order. Order, in the general term of life, both on the personal aspects and the country as a whole had been disassembled during the civil war and the events that occurred shortly there after. This paper is to illustrate how Americans executed the search for order, in the broad sense of the word. There will be three points brought to light to support the claim of order, the aspects of Economic, Social, and Cultural. ECONOMIC Economic stability and equal opportunity define the search for economic order for each and every American. During the time in question, there was very little economic order. Those Americans that were lucky enough to join the steel/cattle/ and other industries that were thriving in the early 19th Century were set for life, vs. the immigrants that just started to see American soil and work here for the first time. There was a huge contrast in wages, the wealth wasn’t spread very even, and Americans were either rich or poor. During this time period, there were many trying to level the playing field in their quest to improve their economic situation. 1. Jane Addams was famous for founding the Hull House in 1889. The house was dedicated to teaching immigrants and underprivileged individuals some sort of specific trade or skill along with English to allow them to fend for their personal economic freedom. 2. In 1886, the American Federation of Labor started Wage Protection; the American Federation of Labor came into existence under that name in 1886. In fact, it began with a longer, more cumbersome name, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada. This organization was founded on November 15-18, 1881 at the Turner Hall in downtown Pittsburgh. Many of the pioneers of the American labor movement in this period were German-American, though...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Liberal and Republican Citizenship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Liberal and Republican Citizenship - Essay Example The second, the citizen is considered a political agent; he actively is involved in political activities. The third states that the citizens are a member of a political organization with distinct characteristics. Thus, to enhance cohesion in the society one has to display a tremendous sense of belonging to a political community. , The citizen enjoys rights depending on the political they belong in and this gives individual some respect too. The two models of citizenship include the liberal and the republican. The republican sources are found in the writings of authors like Machiavelli, Aristotle, and Cicero. The main principle of the model of citizenship is the aspect of civic self rule (Dworkin 76). Aristotle characterized it as the ability to be in charge and to be ruled. The fact that they co authored through general will, the writing of the laws this makes them freer and legitimate of the law. In the real sense, being a republican one is a political agent. On the other hand, the liberal model traces its roots back in the Roman Empire. Liberal citizenship meant being protected by the law instead of being in the process. Being liberal was just a legal status than a fact in daily living like the republican. It may mean that the membership is in a community that shares law or has common law. It is still common. This is a distinctive characteristic of the liberal citizenship. Other factors that make liberal citizenship are that it is a legal status and that people are free from interference by other authorities or even other individuals. The liberal tradition majorly started back in the 17th century. Citizens with it exercise the freedoms they have mainly in private associations other that a political community. The liberal citizen is in charge of contemporary constitutional freedoms. The civic virtues are evident in many theories; they can be categorized in various ways. This includes community citizen virtues, self governance citizen virtues and of course the one in discussion, in this paper liberal citizen virtues (Macedo 100). These virtues are autonomy, cooperation, obedience to law, participation, respect for rights, deliberative excellence, responsibility, restraint, allegiance to liberal democratic community and vigilance. A dutiful citizen accomplishes tasks successfully by coordinating with others, and he also helps back in return to the good deeds he receives from others too. Cooperation is extremely healthy in a community as it helps the community grow socially. Although there is the aspect of conditioned cooperation where someone expects the same in return if they help, but also this is usually in the effort to obey laws (Macedo 108). Participation as a virtue is portrayed by the active involvement of the citizen to politics and being well informed and interested in the same. Part of the participatory actions is making justice claims, registering voters, running for presidency, being part of the neighborhood associations and v oting. The excellent participation depends highly on the initiative of individuals and their interest in participating. The purpose of being participative is that it is an excellent way to help the community effortlessly (Dworkin 103). Vigilance is another virtue; the virtuous citizen should be able to decide they want in power and refuse to be harassed by those in power. The
Friday, November 1, 2019
Do boys have a genetic lack of motivation in Modern Foreign Languages Essay
Do boys have a genetic lack of motivation in Modern Foreign Languages - Essay Example Learning new languages apart from the commonly used or national languages is paramount in enhancing communication with individuals with diverse native backgrounds. The languages that may include individuals second or third communication technique holds relevance in promoting mutual understanding with different personalities and steer trade. Institutions are currently focusing on employing individuals with diverse language background who hold the capacity of interacting proficiently with customers from diverse locations. This is critical since the world is becoming a global village where trade and various activities are jointly undertaken. This essay discusses the role of genetics in enhancing boys interest in learning modern foreign languages (MFLs). Influence of genetics in motivating boys in learning Modern Foreign Languages As noted by teachers in various settings, most male students are increasingly becoming less interested in learning modern languages. The student’s exhib it low motivational aspects and determination that hinders their success in learning new languages compared to female students. They assert that the low interest and motivation in learning modern languages are instigated genetically in most instances (Jones & Jones, 2001, P, 1). In particular, male students have attitudinal complications that affect their capacity in getting absolute acquaintance to foreign languages that demands determination, consistency and time input. According to various studies, boys low motivational and interest levels in learning MFLs is attributable to genetics, attitudinal and social issues. The study depicts that boys are created with inferior innate capacity that motivates further effort towards acquiring proficiency in various foreign languages (Jones & Jones, 2001, P, 1). Boys are associated with complex subjects that require less communication since they hold low social capacity compared to female students. Consequently, boys are known for their inabi lity to sit for a long period as female students. This deprives them the opportunity to acquire optimal support in the process of learning MFLs that require long hours of dedication and corporation with the teachers. Genetically, the brainpower of boys is suitable for tackling complex issues, for example, mathematics and sciences. They are also suitable for tackling sciences and providing solutions to complex matters of great significance (Jones & Jones, 2001, P, 1). They lack the capacity to involve in an intensive narration and learning new languages due to their impatience. They prefer engaging in structured and practical activities or subjects that require systematic approaches. This explains boys’ instrumental motivational orientation that associates them with rewards. Their focus on the reward system limits their motivational ability since languages does not present them with wide opportunities. Culture is an integrative motivational orientation aspect that influences b oys’ interest in learning modern languages. As noted, various communities adopt diverse cultural practices that define their lifestyle and decision-making. The practices also define the activities and duties that either gender is under expectation to perform. These practices have deep-rooted implications and most individuals believe in them. In most settings, boys are associated with complex undertakings and large output in terms of returns. They are regarded as individuals with great brain
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